School/Junior Clubs Coaching Staff

Shropshire Chess Association has a keen interest in helping schools and junior players develop their chess abilities. The following players provide 1-1 coaching or are willing to help run school clubs. Please feel free to contact any of these players directly for more information on the services offered.

List of 1-1 Coaches
The following players provide 1-1 coaching services to junior players.

Name Email £/Hour Online/In Person Location
Steve Tarr  Negotiable In Person Only Telford and surrounding areas
Charles Higgie £20/hour + mileage expenses (from Malpas) Both All of Shropshire

List of School Coaches
The following players have indicated they are willing to run or help run junior chess clubs on behalf of schools.

Name Email £/Hour Location
Steve Tarr  Negotiable Telford and surrounding areas

List of Schools/Junior Clubs looking for coaches
The following Schools and Groups are looking for players to help start/run their clubs.

Name £/Hour
Shrewsbury Library Volunteer only

If you are a local player willing to provide coaching or to work with your local school or junior club please contact the county junior organiser (