All local primary schools are invited to enter the Shropshire regional stage of the national Primary Team Chess Challenge. The winning school will then be invited to the national finals. The Primary Team Chess Challenge has been developed as a chess tournament which ALL primary schools might like to enter.
Each school team consists of 4 players and schools may enter more than 1 team. All players must be in year 6 or below. There is no entry fee.
Shropshire’s regional stage will be held at Broseley C of E Primary School, Dark Lane, Broseley, TF12 5LW on Wednesday 5th March 2025.
The tournament will start at 1.30pm (arrival 1pm onwards) and finish by 4.30pm followed by a prize giving.
There will be 5 rounds.
There will be gold/silver/bronze medals for the 1st/2nd/3rd placed teams. The winning team will be invited to the national final. All participants will receive a certificate.
Entries to date:
St Lawrence CE Primary (Church Stretton) – 2 teams
Old Hall School – 2 teams
Competition Rules:
1. Each team of 4 should play in strength order with the strongest players as judged by the team captain playing on board 1.
2. For each board win that player scores 1 game point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the afternoon will be adjudged the winner.
3. The tournament will operate a team swiss system to determine pairings (teams on same/similar points will be paired against each other).
4. The final ranking of the tournament will be determined by:
a. Gamepoints (descending)
b. Gamepoints in the match(es) between the tied teams (descending)
c. If the head-to head was tied, board count in the head-to-head match; add up the board number of the games that each team wins; the team whose total is lower is ranked higher
d. If 2 teams remain tied a play-off match will be played. The time control shall be 3 minutes.
e. If the result of the play-off is tied, board count in the match between the tied teams; add up the board number of the games that each team wins; the team whose total is lower is ranked higher
f. If all games were drawn, another play-off is played until a decisve result is acheived.
5. Clocks will be used with a time control of 10min + 5sec increment
6. The arbiter will strictly enforce the rules of touch move and touch take. That means if a child touches a piece they must move that piece. If they touch an opponents piece they must take if able. This will be explained clearly before the tournament.
7. It is required that every team will have a responsible adult who will be present throughout the event.
Any questions can be sent to the tournament organiser:
Christopher Lewis
Shropshire Head of Junior Chess
07508 487092 or 01630 801860
We are very grateful to The Chess Trust for sponsoring this event.