4NCL Online Season 1 – Shropshire 4


Division 5

P W D L SB Pts
Hertford 10 8 1 1 177 17
CSC 5 10 6 3 1 170 15
Wirral League Wanderers 10 6 2 2 165 14
St Albans 2 10 7 0 3 144 14
Uxbridge Knights 1 10 7 0 3 136 14
Gonzaga D 9 6 2 1 136 14
Maryport Assassins B 10 5 3 2 143 13
Bolton & Worsley 10 6 1 3 142 13
Manchester Juniors B 10 5 3 2 141 13
Warwickshire Bears C 8 6 1 1 97 13
Temple Sutton 10 5 2 3 130 12
Nottingham University 2 10 5 2 3 129 12
Wessex Some Stars C 9 5 2 2 127 12
Kent KJCA Kestrels D 10 5 1 4 123 11
Doughnuts of Doom 10 4 3 3 101 11
Rugeley 10 4 3 3 98 11
Wigston 2 10 3 5 2 96 11
Young Dragons 10 5 1 4 81 11
4 Gems 10 5 1 4 79 11
Watford Juniors A 10 5 1 4 70 11
Bishop Trojans 10 4 2 4 101 10
Chess Warriors 10 4 2 4 100 10
Warwickshire Bears B 10 5 0 5 90 10
Bristol University B 10 4 2 4 85 10
Oxford 4 8 4 2 2 83 10
Darnall & Handsworth 10 5 0 5 82 10
East Kilbride 9 3 3 3 92 9
MCS Oxford Juniors 10 4 1 5 87 9
Broken Herts 1 10 4 1 5 83 9
Battersea Pawnbreakers 10 3 3 4 83 9
St Albans 3 10 2 5 3 74 9
Grangemouth Giants 10 3 3 4 70 9
Watford 3 10 4 1 5 66 9
St Albans 4 8 4 1 3 64 9
Sheffield Deaf 10 2 5 3 58 9
Warwickshire Bears D 6 3 2 1 57 8
Shropshire 4 10 3 2 5 53 8
Broken Herts 2 10 4 0 6 42 8
Hatch End B 10 3 2 5 42 8
East London Knights 4 4 0 0 40 8
East Cornwall Clowns 10 3 1 6 63 7
Warley and Quinborne 10 2 3 5 54 7
Broken Herts 3 10 3 1 6 45 7
Manchester Juniors C 10 2 3 5 35 7
Bude Surfers 10 2 2 6 43 6
Streatham C 10 1 4 5 40 6
Harrow 4 10 2 2 6 39 6
BBC Penguins 10 1 4 5 37 6
Wimbledon 3 10 2 1 7 27 5
Uxbridge Knights 2 4 2 1 1 15 5
Watford Juniors C 6 2 1 3 11 5
Bishop Knights 10 1 2 7 25 4
Watford Juniors B 10 0 4 6 30 4
Uxbridge Knights 3 2 1 1 0 9 3
BBC Foxes 10 0 2 8 10 2
Uxbridge Knights 4 2 0 1 1 2 1


7th April
Round 1
Shropshire 4 Bolton & Worsley
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Kate Walker katewalker 134 W 0 1 Tim Hilton EpicChess93 172
Dennis Bonner Wheathill 112 B 0 1 Paul Doherty ewaawoowaa 140
James Birch Jamesbirch57 107 W 0 1 Ian Lamb pawnpusher76 137
James Holyhead ticketyboohoo 85 B 1 0 Arpad Buszynak Aprady 116
1 3


14th April
Round 2
Shropshire 4 Manchester Juniors C
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Dennis Bonner Wheathill 112 B 1 0 Byrony Eccleston Bryony 84
Andy Jones ATJ1968 107 W 1 0 Joshua Seet SlowPowerfulPinkie 71
James Holyhead tickeyboohoo 85 B 1 0 Rowan Eccleston RowanEccleston 56
Sam Hollands SamHollands08 57e W 1 0 Stephen Nagai BoltonStephen 51e
4 0


21st April
Round 3
Shropshire 4 MCS Oxford Juniors
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Dan Hilditch-Love chessplayer9030 118 W 1 0 Amaan Kassey sneakyrooks 128
Andy Jones ATJ1968 107 B 0 1 Samir Khan samirMCS 120
James Birch Jamesbirch57 107 W 0.5 0.5 Ewan Bridson Ewan_Bridson 110
Sam Hollands SamHollands08 57e B 0 1 Reya Li Reya2010 100
1.5 2.5


28th April
Round 4
Shropshire 4 Oxford 4
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Dennis Bonner Wheathill 112 B 0 1 Tashika Arora ChessQueen960 145
James Birch Jamesbirch57 107 W 0 1 Kenneth Hobson Dangerouskid 150
James Holyhead tickeyboohoo 85 B 0 1 Asif Hameed Chessarf123 140
Sam Hollands SamHollands08 57e W 0 1 A Philip Neatherway whiteboar 155
0 4


5th May
Round 5
Shropshire 4 Grangemouth Giants
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Dennis Bonner Wheathill 112 W 0 1 Douglas Will dougwill 150
Andy Jones ATJ1968 107 B 0 1 Alasdair Sandham ASandham17 97
James Holyhead ticketyboohoo 85 W 0 1 David Fowler crazysiciliano 61
Sam Hollands SamHollands08 57e B 0 1 Nicholas Whitton Thinker-12 44
0 4


12th May
Round 6
Shropshire 4 Sheffield Deaf
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Mark Podlesak MPODLESAK 130 B 0.5 0.5 Phillip Gardner iccd1957 156
Dan Hilditch-Love chessplayer9030 118 W 0.5 0.5 Michael Freund drawking 123
Andrew Jones ATJ1968 107 B 0 1 Stephen Gibson sgibsonuk 108
James Birch Jamesbirch57 107 W 1 0 Reuben Litherland reubenlitherland 90e
2 2


19th May
Round 7
Shropshire 4 Harrow 4
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Dan Hilditch-Love chessplayer9030 118 W 1 0 Surjit Dhemrait surjit 133
Dennis Bonner Wheathill 112 B 1 0 Robin Nettleton turkeybelly 105
James Holyhead ticketyboohoo 85 W 1 0 Manoharan Dilukshan mdilukshan 104
Sam Hollands SamHollands08 57e B 1 0 David Walker dave144 78
4 0


26th May
Round 8
Shropshire 4 Bude Surfers
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Kate Walker katewalker 134 B 0 1 Geoffrey Lingard jiggergeoff 142
Dan Hilditch-Love chessplayer9030 118 W 1 0 Christine Constable ChrisFC 117
Andy Jones ATJ1968 107 B 0 1 John Constable JohnC60 115
James Birch Jamesbirch57 107 W 1 0 Lloyd Russell LlodyRussell 68
2 2


2nd June
Round 9
Shropshire 4 Warwickshire Bears D
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Dennis Bonner Wheathill 112 W 0 1 Zain Amir zain_amir 92
Andy Jones ATJ1968 107 B 0.5 0.5 Amrissa Johal AKJ7 91
James Holyhead ticketyboohoo 85 W 1 0 Olivia Chen oliviachen 81
Sam Hollands SamHollands08 57e B 0 1 Margarita Nasibova MargaritaNasibova_07 88
1.5 2.5


9th June
Round 10
Shropshire 4 Streatham C
Name Lichess Name Grade Name Lichess Name Grade
Dennis Bonner Wheathill 112 W 0 1 Michcael Chung MichaelCCCCC 122
James Birch Jamesbirch57 107 B 1 0 Denislav Yordanov cheetah3100 95
James Holyhead ticketyboohoo 85 W 1 -1 Default
Sam Hollands SamHollands08 57e B 0 1 Amar Adatia Monalonasnake 73
2 1



16th June – Quarter Finals

23rd June – Semi Finals

30th June – Finals


Next Page – Shropshire 1