Round 4 Rudi Bedford (J) Dennis Bonner David Edwards Malcolm Fletcher (J) Colin Parker Malcolm Price Steve Szwajkun Richard Thompson Gary Slegg Nick Holmes George Viszokai Stefan Tennant Joe Cotterill (J) John Casewell (*) Martin Ayres Henry Heys
Please aim to play by 22nd February
Players marked (J) can play their matches at home (unless a junior is paired with another junior – in that case the junior with black plays at home). Players marked (*) – matches can be played online or at a venue of their choosing
Round 3 Rudi Bedford (J) 1-0 David Edwards Nick Holmes 0.5-0.5 Malcolm Fletcher (J) Dennis Bonner 1-0 Richard Thompson Martin Ayres 0-1 Steve Szwajkun Stefan Tennant – – + Gary Slegg John Casewell (*) 0-1 Colin Parker Henry Heys 0-1 Malcolm Price Joe Cotterill (J) George Viszokai
Please aim to play by 17th January 2025
Round 2 Colin Parker 0-1 Rudi Bedford (J) Richard Thompson 0.5-0.5 Nick Holmes David Edwards 1-0 Stefan Tennant Malcolm Price 0.5-0.5 Dennis Bonner Malcolm Fletcher (J) 1-0 Martin Ayres John Casewell (*) 1-0 George Viszokai Steve Szwajkun 1-0 Henry Heys Joe Cotterill (J) 1-0 Bye
Please aim to play your match by 6th December
Round 1 Rudi Bedford (J) 1-0 Malcolm Price George Viszokai 0-1 Richard Thompson Stefan Tennant 1-0 Steve Szwajkun Martin Ayres 0-1 Colin Parker Nick Holmes 1-0 John Casewell (*) Henry Heys 0-1 David Edwards Dennis Bonner 1-0 Joe Cotterill (J) Malcolm Fletcher (J) 1-0 Bye
Please aim to play your match by 1st November