Shropshire Minor Individual Online Rules
A 7 round swiss tournament starting in November and completing June.
Entry fee: £10 payable to Shropshire Chess Association. The best way to pay is via online payment into the shropshire bank account:
Name: Shropshire Chess Association
Account No: 60809748
Sort Code: 20-77-85
If paying online, entries should still be sent to the controller.
Contact Details: Note that by entering the tournament you are consenting for your contact details to be displayed on the website.
Grade Restriction: The individual is only open to players rated 1640 and below as per the August OTB grading list published on the Shropshire website.
Time Limit: 45 minutes plus a 15 second increment. If both players agree, alternative time controls may be played.
Platform: Players should play their matches on Lichess but may use another platform or play over-the-board if both players agree. Players must always play a rated match to ensure anti-cheating software is activated.
A guide to Lichess Challenges can be found here.
Disconnects: If a player disconnects during the match, that player should attempt to reconnect as soon as possible. If that player is unable to reconnect they will lose the match although both players can agree to finish the match on another night.
Results: Players should submit their results to the controller without delay.
Grading: Games will be submitted to the ECF to receive either an online or OTB ECF grade.
Dates: A target date will be set by which players should endeavor to play their opponent for that round. Players should notify the controller if they can’t play their game before the deadline. If a game has not been played by this date, the controller will estimate the result using the assumption of a win for the higher graded player and a draw for the lower graded player, until the actual match result is submitted.
Anti-Cheating Policy:
If lichess bans a player for cheating then that player will be disqualified from the tournament. If a successful appeal is made to lichess that players’ results will be reinstated. This decision can also be appealed to the Shropshire appeals committee
If a player suspects their opponent of cheating that player should finish the game and only after submit a URL of the game to the controller. The player should at no point directly accuse their opponent of cheating during or after the match. If after review, the controller concurs cheating has occurred the accused player will lose the match and possibly be withdrawn from the competition at the controllers discretion. Otherwise the result will stand. The controller will give the accused the right to make representation before ruling the match forfeit. This decision may be appealed.
If a player chooses to suspend the game and submit a cheating complaint and the controller decides that player’s complaint is unwarranted, that player will lose the match. This decision may be appealed.
If a player accuses 2 separate opponents of cheating and the controller clears the accused on both occasions, at the controllers discretion the accuser may be withdrawn from the competition. This decision may be appealed.
1st: £50
2nd: £30
U1510: Grading Prize: £25
U1430 Grading Prize: £25
U1395 Grading Prize: £25
- Players can only win one prize. August’s grading list prior to the start of the tournament will be used to determine the grading prizes. If players are ungraded, to determine their grading bracket their January grading performance will be calculated excluding minor individual results.
- Where players are tied for any prize other than first place the sum of progressive scores will be used to decide places. If the players are still tied the prize will be split equally.
Sum of progressive scores example: If a players results are 1,0,0,1,0.5,0,1 then the sum of their progressive scores is 1+1+1+2+2.5+2.5+3.5=13.5 - In the event of a tie for first place there will be a tie break of two games. If more than 2 players are tied for first place the sum of progressive scores will determine the 2 players who compete in the play-off. If the result is still equal after those two games the previous sum of progressive scores will be used to determine the winner.
The winner will also receive the minor individual trophy to keep for one year.