
Online league updates

Captains and nominated players for the current season can be found here. Please can captains provide any missing nominations to Adrian ASAP. Captains and nominated players can also be found by navigating to the individual team’s page on LMS. Captains’ contacts are available via the LMS tabs. Sadly Maddocks have withdrawn from the online league.

Christmas Rapid Event

7 rounds individual 10 minutes and 10 seconds per move Date: 5th December, 6pm start entry fee: £5 1st prize : £25 2nd :£10 Rating prize A and B : £10 each Venue: Limes hotel If interested email Athar

Shropshire Chess EGM Minutes and agreed protocols

Shropshire Chess EGM – Wednesday 6th October 2021 7.30pm – Zoom Meeting Present: Matthew Clark, Tony Preece, Dennis Bonner, Munroe Morrison, Chris Lewis, Malcolm Price, Nick Holmes, Francis Best, Mark Smith, Daniel Lockett, Jonathon Smith, Charles Higgie, Gary White, John Westhead, John Casewell, Phil Love, Tom Williamson, Toby Neal Agenda: To debate the protocols to …

Shropshire Chess EGM Minutes and agreed protocols Read More »