Shropshire Chess AGM Minutes
The minutes of the recent AGM are now available here.
The minutes of the recent AGM are now available here.
The following is the Report given by Shropshire Chess President Matthew Clark to this year’s AGM: I want to congratulate all clubs and players for their resilience this year. It has been a real challenge to manage Chess under pandemic conditions. I am delighted with how much Chess has been played both over the board …
The AGM will be available via Zoom. Anyone wishing to attend via Zoom should email Matthew Clark ahead of the meeting to be added to the invitation list.
Final agenda with additional proposal now available here.
The final agenda for the AGM, to be held at Maddocks on 4 August, is here.
The Shropshire Chess Association AGM will now take place on 4 August instead of 21st July. 7.30pm at Maddocks. Details other than date as on previous post.
This year’s AGM will be held on Thursday 21st July at 7.30pm at Maddocks. All members of affiliated clubs are eligible and encouraged to attend. Please see below for the draft agenda. Any further agenda items should be sent to the General Secretary, Tony Preece, by Monday 18th July. SHROPSHIRE CHESS ASSOCIATION 2022 Annual General …
The shortlist of games for the 2021-22 Colin Roberts Memorial Trophy is now available here. Further information on the competition can be found here.
Entries are invited for the 2021/22 Colin Roberts Memorial Trophy – a prize for the best game by a Shropshire player anywhere this season. Closing date for entries is June 30, 2022. Full details here.
The third round of this year’s Shrewsbury Town Championships has now been drawn and can be found here. Please play your game before the end of July.