Shropshire Chess AGM

This year’s AGM will be held on Thursday 21st July at 7.30pm at Maddocks. All members of affiliated clubs are eligible and encouraged to attend. Please see below for the draft agenda. Any further agenda items should be sent to the General Secretary, Tony Preece, by Monday 18th July.


2022 Annual General Meeting 

President: Matthew Clark

To all officers and members of the Shropshire Chess Association:

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting will be held at the Maddocks Club,Oakengates, Telford  on Thursday 21th July 2022 at 7.30pm.

Please ensure that any trophies held by your club are brought to the AGM for presentation, where required.


Apologies for absence. 

  1. Minutes of the 2021 AGM (approval and matters arising – copies can be viewed online) 

Proposals by Chris Lewis –

  1. My proposal to make Shropshire a charity.
  1. A possible review of the rule that states which grading list is used for the league. 

As the list was never updated on the Shropshire site we are still technically bound by last July’s grading list

3)  We scrap the online leagues

President’s Report. Matthew Clark

  Other Officer’s reports. Incl trophy presentation

OfficerIncumbentTo include:
aTreasurer and Junior OrganiserChris Lewis
bAuditorRichard Thompson
cLeague ControllerAdrian Zdanowski
dShropshire Rapid Play LeagueChris Lewis
eCounty IndividualNick Rutter
fMinor County IndividualChris Lewis
gCox & Minor TrophiesAdrian Zdanowski 
hSummer Quick play Toby Neal
i Publicity OfficerPeter Kitchen
jGrading OfficerNick Rutter
kWebsite EditorNick Holmes
l4 NCL TeamChris Lewis
mECF DelegateNick Rutter
  1. Confirmation of new 4NCL Captain and Vice-Captain.

3. Trophy Presentation

4. AOB.