Purpose of Policy
We recognise there may be occasions when Shropshire Junior Chess Club does not get things right in relation to our child protection obligations. The aim of this policy is to provide an effective way for our volunteers to raise concerns relating to child protection.
Raising Concerns
If you are a volunteer and have a concern this should be raised with the lead child protection officer in the first instance.
If you think Shropshire Junior Chess Club is putting children at risk, even if you’re not certain, you can contact the NSPCC advice line to talk through your concerns.
You should call the Whistleblowing Advice Line if:
- you think your concern won’t be dealt with properly or may be covered-up
- you’ve raised a concern but it hasn’t been acted upon
Phone: 0800 028 0285
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
The NSPCC will then be able to signpost you to an external organisation (eg, the health and safety executive or local child protection authorities) who can address your concerns.
However, if the child is in immediate danger you must call 999.
Legal Basis
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 provides protection to individuals who raise legitimate concerns where the organisation breaches its legal obligations.